Patrick Norguet says his collaboration with Ober is an amazing opportunity to create products with a label rich in know-how and tradition, and also geared toward the future and innovation.
The designer has always been inspired by Ober's know-how. This French company, with every intention of staying French, boasts enticing values: high standards, innovation, eco-responsibility and design culture. It was only natural then for the two to begin collaborating in 2013 on the design and development of the new collections of decorative panels "Metal" and "Color". A designer-industrial duet for a duo of materials that oppose and respond to each other.
Today, Oberflex offers the widest range of wood laminates in the world. ?Boasting more than 60 species of wood available in almost 600 products, its range of panels, of the highest quality in both aesthetic and technical terms, now sets the standard in all fields of interior architecture, decoration and industry.
This recognition places the seal on a century of expertise in the decorative wood sector, supported by a veritable culture of innovation, in aesthetic and technological terms, and a stringent approach to quality management throughout the production process.
The tectonique 5.5 collection 是一個由OBER與5.5DESIGNERS設計師所設計出的天花板系統,有別於傳統古舊的天花板,OBER為大家帶來一個既大膽又創新的設計。
智能表面木板是一個全新的多用途產品,用家可在木板上用粉筆或是白板筆任意書寫或塗鴉, 配合木板上的磁力功能,可用磁石作展示及裝飾用途。
CER and Ober group will be at the event and showing you our latest design and finishes for the official launch of the new Purepaper collection in Asia.